dinsdag 27 maart 2012

Farming 2.0 for city dwellers

Are you still growing fresh salad greens or other vegetables in your garden? Or do you remember your grandmother picking some fresh tomatoes from the garden to prepare them for dinner?

Nowadays, many people seem to have forgotten where their vegetables come from. Most of us just pick them randomly pre-cut, pre-cooked and pre-packed from the shelf in the nearest supermarket.

An Italian agricultural firm offers citizens the opportunity to reconnect with the origins of their food, by giving them the opportunity to build an organic garden right from their computer screen. Virtual gardeners living in the city centre usually have a lack of free space to set up an own vegetable garden. That’s why people are given the opportunity to build their own garden through an intuitive computer interface. Thanks to this new software, virtual gardeners can choose from many different types of vegetables which can be grown on a private parcel located on the countryside, just a few miles away from the city centre. Virtual gardeners just pay a small fee to get their vegetables planted, maintained and harvested. As their vegetables grow, they are harvested, picked and delivered to the customer within 24 hours. Optionnaly, the package can include a photo album of the garden's progress.

Since healthy, natural and local-grown food is becoming extremely important for many people, the time seems ripe for city-dwellers to reconnect with their food, and rediscover the art of growing their own fresh vegetables, just as our grandmother did in former days.

Thomas Catteeuw

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