woensdag 15 februari 2012

The water pebble: a solution to water waste or just another gadget?

If you not only are environmental-minded, but also a gadget freak, the water pebble, a device that helps you to decrease your water waste, is something you should have!

It is publicly known that water waste is a big environmental issue. Therefore, people are often encouraged to take a shower instead of a bath to reduce the amount of water used. However, a shower that takes more than 5 minutes can squander more water than a bath does.

But nowadays, there’s a solution to this problem: the water pebble. The fact is, this nice-looking gadget measures the amount of water you use when showering. But how does it help you to reduce your water usage exactly? Well, it sets a benchmark during the first use by which later showers are measured. Traffic-wise, you can be confronted with three lights. When you’re using less water than the first time, a green light will blink. A red light on the other hand signifies that you have to shorten your shower time. Each use, the quantity of water you are allowed to utilize to stay ‘in the green zone’ decreases. That means that, if you follow the guidelines, you will gradually cut down on your water usage AND energy bills!

It is true that this gadget doesn’t reduce the water amount as such. But in my opinion, it’s a good tool to make people aware of their water waste and to help them in their fight against global warming. Do you agree or do you think it’s just another gadget?

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