zaterdag 25 februari 2012

Connect smart in the cold!

I think I can speak for the entire MTB-community when I say that the last couple of weeks have been ‘fingerfreezing’ for all of us. This year, low temperatures arrived rather late but left us unexpected in the cold, and we were in a strong need for gloves, snowboots, scarves, hats and winter jackets. While the rest of the student world was still enjoying cocktails on Ibiza, we were trying to avoid undercooling, with the result that the majority of us experienced some illnesses in recent days.
The worst thing about this kind of weather is the use of your cellphone. Try typing a message or dialing a number while wearing three-layer woolen gloves, wear nothing and you risk losing a finger. In the context of the MTB-community we had to face similar challenges: a last-minute change of location or hour of appointments, meetings and teamworks made it impossible not to use your smartphone. So they invented Smartouchgloves, gloves that you can wear while still being able to type a message, to “Connect in the cold”! Although they seem a bit futuristic, I think these gloves are yet another – farfetched? – gadget for our modern time environment. 

Katrien Cailliau

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