woensdag 29 februari 2012

Save the frogs!

As mentioned in the video, wild animals cause 20 000 car accidents in Switzerland every year. Especially at night, cars collide with wild animals due to reduced visibility conditions. That’s why Audi designed a system that recognizes people and animals in the dark with the help of an infrared camera. Thanks to the Audi Night Vision Assistant the driver should be able to anticipate a crash on roads that have nearly no lighting.

This system will prevent car accidents and consequently save lives of people and of animals. The way I see it, taking care of animals is also a way to take care of the environment. If we continue to disrespect animals and in that way upset the biological balance, the human race won’t be able to survive for very long.

Personally, I would love to have such a system as well, since the chance that I would hurt frogs, rabbits or cats would substantially decrease. This is really something that I fear every time I use my car, therefore I would definitely appreciate assistance. Unfortunately I can’t afford an Audi… yet.

Have you ever run over an animal? Do you feel guilty about it?

Eline Moens

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