Believe it or not, cell phones have not always been around. Although today we all have a cell phone, that thing at home known nowadays as the “landline”wasonce the only phone people had. Today we use our cell phone constantly, and we all know the accessories that go with it, like Bluetooth headsets. But forget those headsets! Let’s go back to the old days. Go old school with your cell phone and turn yourmobile into a retro telephone!
This retro phone handset is a replica of the Western Electric 500-series model, which was the classic phone handset for several decades. It has been slightly modified to work with the headset jack of most cell phones. Just plug-in and dial!
It may seem crazy at first, but users claim that talking into this phone is a lot more comfortable than holding your cell phone to your ear. Depending on how good the conversation is, you may need both of your hands for purposes besides holding your phone. With only a cell phone, you would have to squeeze that tiny mobile between your shoulder and ear only to get a bad crick in your neck. Using this retro phone however, you can comfortably hold the handset using your shoulder. Besides that, the design may serve to improve call quality. Having the microphone near your mouth instead of halfway down your cheek makes it easier for people to understand what you’re saying. And a last reason to buy this headset concerns the rumour that heavy cell phone usage may cause brain cancer. True or not, this headset will get that phone away from your head just in case.
This full-size, old-fashioned, haven't-seen-one-since-the-'80s corded handset is a must have for every MTB-student! It makes having to call around for projects much more fun - and comfortable! Above, this phone really resurrects the long-lost and greatly missed experience of talking on the phone with old friends you haven’t been able to meet in a while.
What do you think about it? Isn’t this the craziest accessory ever? Hit the comments and get talking!
Stephanie Van den Broeck
Stephanie, you're right, it's a crazy accessory! But honestly? I REALLY REALLY LIKE IT!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLater when I have a smartphone I'll definitely buy me such a retro telephone! Do you know where we can buy it? Do you have it in other colors?
Nathalie Adam